Given an array A[] and a number x, check for pair in A[] with sum as x

Majority Element

Find the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times

Largest Sum SubArray

Find Missing Number

You are given a list of n-1 integers and these integers are in the range of 1 to n. There are no duplicates in list. One of the integers is missing in the list. Write an efficient code to find the missing integer

Find Duplicate Numbers in a Given Array

Reverse Array

Permutations of an Array

Min/Max Sum of Sub Array of Size K

Max Element of Sub Array of Size K

Find Minimum Number of Platforms Required

Reverse Elements of Array In Groups of K

Find Leaders In An Array

Find Maximum Sum of Sub Array With No Adjacent Elements

Find Max Profit By Buying/Selling Stocks

Find Next Greater Number

Find First Occurence of El in Sorted Array

( Find Number of Occurences of an Element In an Sorted Array )